For this setup you will need:

The rectangular wall-anchored post without tensioning arm  
The round floor-anchored post with tensioning winder
The Court 1 & 2 long net (opaque navy box)


Steps to set-up:

  1. Attach wall-anchored post to wall, ensuring posts are attached to the bolts on the wall and in the keyhole on the floor.
  2. Adjust height so you can easily reach the top hook
  3. Attach end of net with short "tail" to top hook
  4. Attach floor-anchored post to floor - see Universal National Model Posts page, feet should be on outside of court
  5. Set height on slider on outside of post so jockey wheel is above slit in centre of posts and slider on inside of post does not obstruct the slit
  6. Feed net headline through the slot and down onto the winder, turn winder a little to and engage the locking arm to secure
  7. Adjust height of both posts to desired height - round posts have markings indicating recommended heights. Year 9 & 10 Boys should play at Ladies height.  Year 11 & 12 Boys half-way between Ladies and Men's.
  8. Tension the net using the winder & the cords

When using the dividing curtain please lift as it goes up the railing rather than pulling straight across.

Steps to take-down

  • Follow set-up steps in reverse. When releasing tension on the net's headline ensuring you have a firm grip on the winder handle, turn clockwise and release locking arm.
  • Do not attempt to undo floor anchors until the net is completely detached from the post.